Monday, 17 April 2017

Empty Brain

What is wrong with me?

I come to office today, wearing ‘selipar’. Hahhahaha. What is wrong with my head?

I thought I have my shoes in my car. So I just drove along the way to office. When I arrived, I check for my shoes and I couldn’t found one. Then I just remembered, last Saturday, I took it out from my car and forgot to put it back in. kahkahkahkah.

So today, is me and my ‘selipar’ to office.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Don't Know


I am not sure if the job makes me feel tired or I just tired. Hahahaha. The weather also contribute to the tiredness I think. Is that making any sense? Hahahaha. It’s hot during the day, heavy rain in the evening until night, or sometimes it’s hot for the whole week.


Lately I noticed that I need more sleep. Even if I sleep early on the night before, I still cannot wake up early on the next morning. I consume more sleep day by day.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Miss You

I didn't post about a year now.
Perhaps been very busy.
Perhaps just being lazy.

I am thinking about to start again.
How about that?