Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Stop the Habit.

Hi all…
Good Morning that another 5 minutes to Noon.. Hehehehe.

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So today, I have one story to share.

But before that, my department is too loud. Like there is a few issue arises, they are discussing, changing opinion, cutting off other people’s words, bla bla bla. Even the topic is not related to me but I need to have some knowledge regarding the things so if they are not around here at least I have some answer if someone is asking. Yeahhh, kinda.

 Its Raya-12 today, still have my mood raya. So I plan to go Raya to all my friend’s house. Hope everything go well. InsyaAllah.

Back to the topic. In my department, we have 5 of us. All girls. Hehehehe. 2 wives, 3 ladies. So, one of us got engaged last Friday. She do share her story with me. And she said ‘the men’s family (his aunty-I do not know how many aunty. Hahaha) said that I look kinda ‘berisi’ ‘. Then I looked at her and asked ‘Why they said like that?’

Actually, my officemate is not that ‘berisi’ or chubby. She look just fine. When I heard she shared her story, I kinda think, why people need to judge other people like that? She is the one who getting married, she is the one who wear the wedding dress, she is the one who use her own money. She’s getting fat, chubby, or what got nothing to do with others.

Why people like to judge other people by looking at their appearances? Can’t you just accept the way they are? Judging people like that won’t make your life better, or richer, or healthier. So big question here, WHY ????

She only have about 9 months to go for her akad nikah. She start to put on a diet because she do not want to look fat. She really take the comment seriously even after she agreed with my advice. And I kinda feel very bad for her.
And I start to wonder. Now, it’s her time. What about my time later? Will I face the same? What will I do then? Hmm.

I really disagreed others to judge people this way. You only downgrading them, make them feel bad because your life is good or their life is happier than you. I want to call this off. Just because you have a pretty life, do not make other people life’s ugly. And just because you do not have what other people have, do not take it away from them.

If you continue to do that, soon it will become habit. Too addicted with the habit, it will be routine. The last stage is it will be you (attitude). Sound bad, right? So please stop or reduce the 'perangai' of judging people.

Live your life. And you will find your happiness.

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