Tuesday, 26 December 2017

I Pray

What I want to have?
What I want to do?
What I want to be?
What do I want?

You see, sometimes it is really hard to clearly explain and list out what you want in your life.
Sometimes you know.
Sometimes you do not know.

Hoping this is the best for me. Thank you Allah.

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Tuesday, 7 November 2017


‘Your appearance portray your personality’


‘I am not like as what you thought based on my appearance’ – Someone told me.

I heard from Ceramah Agama on television, Ustaz said ‘Ada sahaja yang solat tak pernah tinggal, tapi tak pakai tudung. Macam mana imbalan solat mereka? Itu hanya Allah swt sahaja yang boleh tentukan. Tetapi, sepatutnya bila solat tak pernah tinggal kenalah memakai tudung. Kerana solat itu menjengah dari melakukan perkara yang tidak baik’.

Supposed, when you have a very pleasant appearance, you must have a pleasant personality as well. Yes, I know appearance didn’t speak who you truly are yet your action does. This is where I think what I heard on television can relate with my point of view. 


‘Your appearance shall prevent you from doing bad things’.

Monday, 7 August 2017

Bride to Be by 2020

Ada dua orang kawan sama-sama masa diploma dulu, kahwin these past 2 weeks berturut-turut. Cuma nya tak berapa rapat dengan aku. Rapatnya dgn Mun dan Linda. So post gambar sana sini penuh gambar kahwin orang tu, caption bagai, comment bagai.

Since masing-masing dah kahwin tinggal la beberapa ketul yang ada ni yang belum kahwin. Mun dari dulu kata dia nak kahwin by 2018, tapi ada beberapa bulan je lagi nak ke tahun 2018 tapi Mun kata belum bersedia nak kahwin. So dia nak tukar tahun kahwin tu ke 2020. Linda pulak kata mohon gap nak kahwin tu 3 bulan supaya tak kelam kabut dan ramai orang datang. Hahahaha.

Aku pulak tetiba nak join kahwin tahun 2020 sebab tak da calon. Hahahaha. So mungkin tahun 2020 tu dah ada calon. Mungkin awal dari tu. Perancangan Allah siapa tahu kan. Hmm.

Yang tak boleh tahannya tu, pergi buat group Whatsapp. “Bride to Be by 2020” *ketuk dahi*.

1) Aku
2) Mun
3) Linda.

Masalahnya, aku dgn Mun single lagi. Tak da calon. Nak kahwin dengan siapa? Hahahaha 😂

So objektif penubuhan group ni adalah seperti berikut;
1) Untuk memastikan jarak majlis perkahwinan minimum 3 bulan.
2)  Untuk list out awal-awal senarai nama bridesmaid.

Syarat kelayakan:
1) Perempuan sahaja.

Hahahahhaha merepek apa ntah masing-masing. Hadoii. Siapa berminat nak join pon boleh. Pm nombor phone. hahaha 

Pillow Talk Reunion #2

Last Saturday, I went to attend one wedding in Subang Jaya. Its Adriana’s Brother Wedding. Its kinda small reunion for my Pillow Talk Buddies. Coz all of us are there. Except for one, Kak Yong. Hmm. Missing you kakyong.

The wedding is very beautiful. The food is really good. I and Pija came around 1.00PM but chatting here and there like there is no tomorrow hahaha I missed the fruits and desserts. Oh my. Hahahaha. But all, everything was really nice and beautiful.

This spot really loved by AtikahZA. She did not move even a inch. Hahahaha 😂. My little pelik-pelik buddies. ❤

Congratulation to Abg Imran dan Kak Shereen for your wedding.
Congratulation to Adriana for your new Sistar-in law  💗

The wedding was held at following address as below;

Bizzmila Wedding Hall

Level 3, The Place, One City, Subang Jaya.

Thursday, 20 July 2017

A Minute

Good morning
What chu doing? Working? If you are reading this, I assume you are on your 5 minutes break. Hehehe 😁

Well, I took like 20 minutes break to write this hahaha sorry boss. Sometimes we need a ‘pause button’ for a break from this never-ending world. Cewahhh.

So, I have something to share for today. I am known for being Kpopers. So my closes friend use to call me ‘Kpop’. But, I am not like very fanatic with all this kpop things hahahaha. Means, I am not into the group that much until I hate those who wrote bad comments about my fav band, follow up every life story of them, join the fan club or what bla bla bla. Not really into that extend.

If I hear their songs and I like it, I like the group. If I watch their dance move and I like it, I like the group. If the lyrics hit me and I like it, I like the group. Hahahaha. 😂

But, I can name you a few boy/girl group that I really like, I even can recognized and memorized their name, and really follow up their news hahaha

Girls Generation

Sadly, some group had been disband and some group I am waiting for their comeback.

Here, I attach a catchy song for you to hear 💪

Song: Fruity
Singer: Hyolyn ft Kisum

Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbnI2v1m8jE

Hope you guys have a good day ahead.


Song: Lonely
Girl Group: Sistar
Genre: Kpop

Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL_qehzGkHg

As If It's Your Last

Blackpink ❤💃

Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcVILLeqNy0

Sunday, 16 July 2017

Le Bonding Time

Mencabar sungguh. Beraya sakan di Johor. Hahahaha.
Dari Bangi ke Seremban, amik 2 ketul gadis.

Dari Seremban terus ke Segamat raya rumah Zah.
Ntah mana location Zah bagi ntah, so dia suruh tunggu tepi. 

Zah, tu kau ke? Besar kereta. Hahahaha. 

Comel tak Zah kita? Muahhh hehehe.
Dah alang-alang ke Johor tu kita singgah mana yang dapat. Haa gitu.
Lepas tu baru ke rumah Kak Yong di Ayer Hitam ketemu lagi 3 ketul gadis disana.
Dia punya plan berjalan bukan main haa.
Gigih cuddle 4 orang kat belakang. Hahahaha

2 Days 1 Night.
Kluang Art Street.
Kluang Railway Coffee – sbb main location dia buka sampai 6pm sahaja so kami singgah di salah satu outlet yg buka sampai pukul 10pm. Hehehe.
Tropikal Village Ayer Hitam.
Parit Raja Downtown.
Small Birthday Celebration in Kak Yong House. – this one is unexpected. Sbb I thought only giving hadiah to kak yong only. But have small celebration with cake. So they sang the song for kakyong but later continued to sing me a birthday in advance. Hahahaha.

I am touched. Kinda easily feel touched. Hahahaha. Perhaps due to growing age. Hahahahaha. 

Thank you girls for all the memories.

Harini kerja macam biasa dgn badan yg letih-letih hahahaha

Monday, 10 July 2017

Linda si Penyek

Last Saturday, I went for beraya at Linda’s house somewhere in Banting.

Actually, Mun wants to pick up the bridesmaid dress at Linda’s house (one of their friends is getting married soon) so Mun asked me to go together. So I guess, we should come for raya.

I asked Linda to wear pretty dress and make-up, since we like haven’t seen like a years. Hehehehe. But guess what I get. Muka penyek dia. Hahahaha. No make-up at all, just woke up from sleep with very pale and bare face. Hahahahaha. Itu pon nasib tukar baju kurung.

See the difference. Hahahahahaha

Alahai, Linda. 

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Stop the Habit.

Hi all…
Good Morning that another 5 minutes to Noon.. Hehehehe.

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So today, I have one story to share.

But before that, my department is too loud. Like there is a few issue arises, they are discussing, changing opinion, cutting off other people’s words, bla bla bla. Even the topic is not related to me but I need to have some knowledge regarding the things so if they are not around here at least I have some answer if someone is asking. Yeahhh, kinda.

 Its Raya-12 today, still have my mood raya. So I plan to go Raya to all my friend’s house. Hope everything go well. InsyaAllah.

Back to the topic. In my department, we have 5 of us. All girls. Hehehehe. 2 wives, 3 ladies. So, one of us got engaged last Friday. She do share her story with me. And she said ‘the men’s family (his aunty-I do not know how many aunty. Hahaha) said that I look kinda ‘berisi’ ‘. Then I looked at her and asked ‘Why they said like that?’

Actually, my officemate is not that ‘berisi’ or chubby. She look just fine. When I heard she shared her story, I kinda think, why people need to judge other people like that? She is the one who getting married, she is the one who wear the wedding dress, she is the one who use her own money. She’s getting fat, chubby, or what got nothing to do with others.

Why people like to judge other people by looking at their appearances? Can’t you just accept the way they are? Judging people like that won’t make your life better, or richer, or healthier. So big question here, WHY ????

She only have about 9 months to go for her akad nikah. She start to put on a diet because she do not want to look fat. She really take the comment seriously even after she agreed with my advice. And I kinda feel very bad for her.
And I start to wonder. Now, it’s her time. What about my time later? Will I face the same? What will I do then? Hmm.

I really disagreed others to judge people this way. You only downgrading them, make them feel bad because your life is good or their life is happier than you. I want to call this off. Just because you have a pretty life, do not make other people life’s ugly. And just because you do not have what other people have, do not take it away from them.

If you continue to do that, soon it will become habit. Too addicted with the habit, it will be routine. The last stage is it will be you (attitude). Sound bad, right? So please stop or reduce the 'perangai' of judging people.

Live your life. And you will find your happiness.

Monday, 3 July 2017

My Mom's Curtain

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2017.

Hari Raya this year quite wild and free for me. Fuyoo hahahaha.
Previously my hari raya is full with assignments and final exam papers.
But this year, I am so free from those things since I finally managed to graduated with my Degree.

And of course Hari Raya is synonyms with selfie. So I have a few. Ngeee.
Then i found one spot in my house for short photoshoot.
At my mom's curtain. kahkahkahkah
Macam pre-wedding engko haa

Haa gitu. Engko hado? Hahahaha
Bila tengok lama-lama rasa nak sepak pipi sendiri hahahaha.

Friday, 19 May 2017

Mood: Spoiled

Someone spoiled me just now.

Image result for angry face

My office have 5 rooms that we open for members who wants to do their class. It’s a group of people doing a marketing with their downlines.

So this one room usually they used on every Friday at 3.00pm-11.00pm. Since the number of members who join is less than 10 people, they decided to use other smaller room located at ground level. Without even telling me. Luckily one of my colleague went down and saw them. Then I gave the group leader a call just to know the story. He said that “they want to use the smaller room since they got less people join, can aa?”. Then I said “yes, never mind. You can use the room”.

Since I quite new with the company, my other colleague call the group leader again after a few minutes. Then he said “Actually I want to use the Room 5 (means the room that they booked previously) but she (which is me) said ok so I just use the smaller room la”.

Wait, whattttt? What did you just said? Actually I want to use the Room 5? But you talked to me is different. Wahhh, I am so angry now. You know what? From the way you talked it sounds like I am the bad person who did not allow you to use the Room 5 where actually you are the one who decided to not use the Room 5 from the first place without even telling me earlier.

Hahahaha. This kind of people ha. I feel really want to punch him on the face.

I need to cool myself down. Urghhh !

Thursday, 4 May 2017

The One Who Stay and The One Who Left

Let me introduce you to my 'Kesayangan'. Hehehe.
She's been my very bestfriend since 2012.
While my other bestfriend is nowhere to be found, she stay.
While my other bestfriend is changing, she stay.
While my other bestfriend come only when they need me and left when they don't, she stay.
Through my thick and thin.

Yes, people change.
Yes, people come and go.
But, the one who stay is the one who truly love you.
Thanks Mun, for staying. And choose to stay.
I Love You.

Afiqah Amira

*I would cry now*

Monday, 17 April 2017

Empty Brain

What is wrong with me?

I come to office today, wearing ‘selipar’. Hahhahaha. What is wrong with my head?

I thought I have my shoes in my car. So I just drove along the way to office. When I arrived, I check for my shoes and I couldn’t found one. Then I just remembered, last Saturday, I took it out from my car and forgot to put it back in. kahkahkahkah.

So today, is me and my ‘selipar’ to office.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Don't Know


I am not sure if the job makes me feel tired or I just tired. Hahahaha. The weather also contribute to the tiredness I think. Is that making any sense? Hahahaha. It’s hot during the day, heavy rain in the evening until night, or sometimes it’s hot for the whole week.


Lately I noticed that I need more sleep. Even if I sleep early on the night before, I still cannot wake up early on the next morning. I consume more sleep day by day.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Miss You

I didn't post about a year now.
Perhaps been very busy.
Perhaps just being lazy.

I am thinking about to start again.
How about that?